Download the app now and enter the world of MyEffepiù offers which guarantees you convenience and product quality as if you were in a supermarket.Keep the app handy and you can shop wherever you are and receive it comfortably at home in the most convenient time slot.Discover all the advantages of MyEffepiùCOMFORT:you can shop online wherever you are and decide where to deliver it on the requested day and time slot,WIDE ASSORTMENT:you will find fresh products such as fruit and vegetables, meat, fish, gastronomy and cured meats and cheeses. In addition, you can choose from many other products, from ethnic specialties to supplements, from those dedicated to children to those for personal and home care.CONVENIENCE:you will find the same promotions as the Gros brand stores with the addition of some exclusive discounts.MyEffepiù - A Full Cart Costs Less